~ Since 1994 ~ Houston Texas Chapter - Allanté-XLR Club of America ~ Since 1994 ~
Local Allante Contact: John Maida @ 713-822-4027 (text or call)
Local XLR Contact: Steven Colburn @ 936-520-0110 (text or call)
Cafe Express - Multidecade Cadillac Convertible Rendezvous

UPCOMING EVENTS: Call for details if you are not on the club's email notifications and/or need more information!
Sunday March 16th @ 11AM
Monument Inn Restaurant Brunch
4406 Independence Pkwy.
La Porte, TX.
(near San Jacinto Monument)
Ph: 281-479--1521
Call to discuss drive ideas/venues.
2025 calendar below.
Tech NOTE: AT ALL TIMES - Keep your battery fully charged 24/7 with a low-current maintenance charger and have the radiator/reservoir refilled annually with fresh engine coolant. This will help prevent electrical damage to the starter motor and alternator and will reduce accelerated corrosion of the cooling system & aluminum engine block components.
Recommended Houston Area Repair Specialists
Mechanical / Electrical:
Steering Wheel Column Repair Specialist in Houston: Juan “Steering Column” Hernandez, 281-748-0623
~ Club Charter ~
Provide a free social forum for planning car show & special driving/parade events and for discussion of technical issues related to this classic automobile.
A technical advisor will be available at each meeting.
~ Official Schedule of Meetings ~
Special Meeting Venues/Times:
2025 Calendar Schedule: (call to discuss dates)
1) Jan 12th - Reyes Mexican Restaurant, Cleavland, TX. 1pm
2) Feb - Sunday February 9th @ 11AM, Citizen's Grill - Woodlands
3) Mar - Monument Inn Restaurant Brunch (near San Jacinto Monument), 11am
4) Apr - TBD
5) May - Keels & Wheels, Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook
- Austin area drive to Georgetown Car Show
6) June
7) July
8) August - Grand Rapids Invitational (Aug 20-23 Wed-Sat)
9) September -
10) Oct: Wolf Creek Car Show on Lake Livingston
11) Nov
12) Dec:
SEE MORE PHOTOS below and Graeme Smith's Allante Pic web pages.
John Maida
Founding Members (L-R): John Maida, Ken Stuntz, Alan Kolodny Esq., Gene Stuckey,
circa 1994 Cafe Express Uptown Park - Houston
Formerly known as: "The Allante Appreciation Group" (AAG)
"Posterior Art - Uptown Park - Houston (c. 2016)

Local Houston-Area Club Items For Sale
Houston Allante Club Front Grille Badge - by: Nick Ferrantino & John Maida (available at regular coffee meetings, price $35)
Fun Stuff Drive Pics (below)
Naskila Casino Livingston Texas - 2018

Galveston Seawall - 2020

Galveston Strand Meet - 2020
Rudy & Nancy King's Covey Trails "Texaco Meet" - 2020
Graeme Smith explaining the size of something to the pit crew
Bessanne Maida - 1990 Pearl White Allante Uptown Park (c 2020)

"The Blind Bridge" - Painted Churches Drive to Dubina, Texas - c. 2019

Bulent Sunay's Silver 1987 Allante - Painted Churches Drive - Dubina, Texas (c.2019)

Dubina Catholic Church - c.2019

Newman's Castle - Bellville, Texas (c 2019)

Bluebonnet Run April 2017 - Hill Top Ranch (L-R: Steve & Diane Colburn and Bessanne & John Maida)
Bluebonnet Run April 2017 - Hill Top Ranch
Bluebonnet Run April 2017 - Hill Top Ranch
(L-R: Bulent Sunay, Steve & Diane Colburn, John & Bessanne Maida, Mr & Mrs Joe DiVergilio)
Big Gun Bess
Wolf Creek Car Show on Lake Livingston - Coldspring Texas, October 2016

First Annual Houston Polo Club Event 1994
John Maida "Boss Tex" in '90 Pearl/Burgundy and "Cuz" Dr. Gina Rizzo "DR-B4-MK" in Mary Kay-Ken Kogge '93 (aka Pinky-3) - Italian Festival, Houston Farm & Ranch Club - Oct 2008
John O'Quinn Museum Collection Tour - October 2009 / Unser-Ferrantino '93 Indy Pace Car - Jan 2008
(also see both Batmobiles and Duesenbergs in Houston club's photo pages)
Larry Hagman "JR Ewing" (80s TV Series "Dallas")
Sterling McCall Cadillac Museum Tour (Warrington, Texas): Major body design contrast changes shown.
Early Cadillac Convertibles: Pre-1905 and Powerfull 1930s V12s & V16s
Fun drive examples: Moody Gardens in Galveston and Hwy-390 towards old cotton town of Burton, Texas
Additional Coffee Meeting Fun Pics (below)

Members @ StarBucks 11-May-2008
Members @ StarBucks 2006

Members @ Starbucks 1998